Student ebooks referred in the law schools in India. Access all these ebooks and read individual chapters or the book as a whole as well asrefer the full text of the judgments mentioned on Manupatra for a deeper understanding.
Arbitration and ADR [3rd Edn. 2012(Pb)]
Code of Civil Procedure [3rd Edn. 2012(Pb)]
Code of Criminal Procedure [Rep. 2009(Pb)]
Constitutional Law of India [Edn. 2011(Pb)]
Corporate Law [2nd Edn. 2011(Pb)]
Indian Penal Code [3rd Edn. 2012(Pb)]
Law and Emerging Technology Cyber Laws [Edn. 2011(Pb)]
Law of Contract and Specific Relief [Edn. 2011(Pb)]
Law of Court Fees and Suits Valuation Stamp Registration and Supreme Court Rules [Edn. 2010(Pb)]
Law of Evidence [2nd Edn. Rep. 2012(Pb)]
Law of Torts [2nd Edn. 2011(Pb)]
Law Poverty and Development (Nilendra Kumar) [2nd Edn. 2011(Pb)]
Law Relating To Elections [2nd Edn. 2010(Pb)]
Lease Licences Rent Control and Slum Clearance in Delhi [Edn. 2008(Pb)]
Sale of Goods [Edn. 2008(Pb)]
The Indian Partnership Act [Edn. 2011(Pb)]