
The “evidence” in lieu of any offence or dispute, is the eye and ear of a court. A proper decision in any case before a court is not possible without knowledge of true facts involved in a dispute. Through the evidence the facts alleged by one party, and denied by the other require the Court to ascertain whose contentions are true and for that purpose, the judge has to weigh the ‘evidence’ available in support of or contradiction to those contentions. Now the question arises, what does the term ‘evidence’ mean?

What do you mean by word `evidence'?

The term ‘evidence’ is derived from the Latin word ‘evident’ or ‘evidere’, which means “to show clearly, to discover clearly, to ascertain, to prove”.

“Evidence is either written or unwritten, of allegations in issues between the parties”1

“Evidence is something, including testimony, documents and tangible objects that tends to prove or disprove the existence of an alleged act.”2

“Evidence is something which ascertains the truth of the fact or print in question”.3

Evidence under the Indian law means, “all statements which the Court permits or require to be made before it by witnesses, in relation to matters of fact under enquiry. Such statements are called oral evidence, all documents produced for the inspection of Court, are called documentary evidence”.4 The object of rules of evidence is to help the Courts to ascertain the truth and to avoid the confusion in the minds of judges, which may result from the admission of evidence in excess. Thus, the Indian Evidence Act, 1872 was passed with the main object of preventing indiscipline in the admission of evidence by enacting a correct and uniform rule of practice. The law of evidence is the lex fori which govern the Courts; whether a writer is competent or not; whether a certain fact requires to be proved by writing or not; whether a certain evidence proves a fact or not; that is to be determined by the law of the country where the question arises, where the remedy is sought to be enforced and where the Court sits to enforce it; Brain v. White Raven and Furnem Junction Ry., (1850) 3 HLC 1 (19).


1. Wharton's Law Lexicon, 15th Edn., p. 617.

2. Black's Law Dictionary, 7th Edn., p. 575.

3. A Dictionary of Law, William C. Anderson, 1889, p. 419.

4. See section 3 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

The word ‘evidence’ in its relation to law includes all the legal means exclusive of mere arguments which tend to prove or disprove any fact the truth of which is submitted to judicial investigation. This term and the word ‘proof’ are often used as synonymous, but the latter is applied by accurate logicians rather to the effect of evidence, than to evidence itself.1 Law of evidence is basically a procedural law, but even so here and there it has overtones of substantive law.

History of law of evidence

1. Evidence as a branch of law.--

Q. Discuss the history of law of evidence?

The early history of law of evidence in India can be traced back in Dharma Shastra as well as in Muslim and English systems of law. It was always recognized by Dharma Shastra that the purpose of any trial is the desire to ascertain truth. The early lawmakers recognised that trial often involved suppression of facts and appreciation of falsehood. Therefore, Law of Evidence took every possible precaution, consistent with times to secure the discovery of truth. The Indian law of evidence had attained by the time of the ancient Dharma Shastra, a considerable degree of perfection and embedding many modern concepts.

The modern law of evidence, like many branches of our legal system, owes its inception to English Common Law. Till the beginning of the 18th century most of the rules remained contained in rulings and dicta. A sort of uncertainty was prevailing which was not only in the field of law of evidence but also in the other fields of law. The first book on evidence was written by Chief Court Baron, Gibert which was published in 1756 after thirty years of his death. Along with the reforms in English Law, in India too, after 1833 various legal reforms were introduced. Between 1835 and 1853, a series of Acts2 were passed by the Indian legislature which introduced some stray reforms in Indian law of evidence. Finally, after a lot of twists and turns a draft prepared by Sir James Stiphen was introduced in the Council in Governor-General in India in 1871 and was duly enacted in 1872 which is the present Indian Evidence Act.

The Evidence Act extends to whole of India, except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. Such Act also have some other limitations like, it applies to all judicial proceedings in or before any court including the Courts Martial, other than Courts Martial under Army Act, Naval Discipline Act and Air Force Act.


1. Tylore on Evidence I (11th Edn.).

2. Act X of 1835; Act XIX of 1837; Act IX of 1840; Act VII of 1844; Act XV of 1852; Act XIX of 1853; Acts II and X of 1855.

Most importantly such, Evidence Act, does not apply to AFFIDAVITS presented to any Court or officer and it also does not apply to arbitral proceeding.

2. Basis of Rules of Evidence.--

Following two fundamental axis can be said to be the basis on which the rules of evidence are framed:

Q. What are basis on which the rules of evidence are framed?

(i) No facts other than those having some connection with the matter in controversy should be looked into by the court however interesting it may be; and

(ii) All facts having rational probative value i.e., which helps the Court to come to a conclusion upon the existence or non-existence of the matter in controversy, are admissible in evidence, unless excluded by some rule of paramount importance.

3. Leading Rules of Evidence.--

What are the Leading Rules of Evidence?

(i) The sole object and end of evidence is to ascertain the truth of several disputed facts and points in issue and no evidence ought to be admitted which is not relevant to the issues; Hales v. Kerr, (1908) 2 KB 601; Butterley Co. v. New Hucknall Colliery Co., (1909) 1 Ch 37.

(ii) The point in issue is to be proved by the party who asserts the affirmative according to maxim “affirmanti non neganti incumbit probatio.”

(iii) The evidence must be sufficient to prove the substance of the issue

(iv) The best evidence must be given of which the nature of the thing is capable.

(v) Hearsay evidence of a fact is not admissible with some slight exceptions.

(vi) No person is bound to incriminate himself.

Relationship between Law of Evidence, substantive laws and procedural law

Q. Is there any relationship between law of evidence, substantive laws and procedural law?

Law as a system of rules has been divided into Substantive and Procedural Law, depending on its nature and purpose. Substantive law defines rights, duties, obligations and liabilities. For example, Law of Contract, Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, Indian Succession Act, Indian Penal Code.

The laws which prescribe the mode by which the application of the substantive law is regulated are known as procedural laws, e.g., Cr. P.C. is an excellent example of procedural law dealing with procedures for seizure, arrest, search; etc. The procedural laws can be further divided into two parts; firstly, there are rules dealing with various procedures to be followed in a court of law; Secondly, there are rules dealing with the mode of the proof of the existence or otherwise of rights, duties and liabilities e.g., Evidence Act.

The rules of law of evidence for Civil and Criminal Cases are, in general, the same for example the method of proving that a particular person is dead in respect of Civil Case (person executing the Will, died or not on a particular date) or of Criminal Case (a person charged with murder). But there are certain sections of Evidence Act, which apply only to Civil Cases (sections 115-117 dealing with estoppel) and some only to the Criminal Case (sections 24-30 dealing with confessions). The burden of proof is on the prosecution in criminal cases and on the plaintiff in civil matters. There is a marked difference as to the effect of evidence in civil & criminal matters. In criminal proceedings, law presumes the accused as innocent unless and until he is proved guilty. In civil cases, principles of res ipsa loquiture is followed.

Types of Evidence.--

Q. Discuss various types of evidence?

The evidence, is classified into the following types:

(1) Direct Evidence:

Direct evidence is the evidence directly about the real point in issue. It is the testimony of the witnesses as to principal fact to be proved, e.g., the evidence of a person who says that he saw the commissions of the act which constitutes the alleged crime. It also includes the production of an original document. Direct evidence is generally of a superior cogency.

The presumptive proof when the fact itself is proved by direct testimony, Powel on Evidence, 20th Edn., p. 109.

(2) Circumstantial Evidence:

Justice Fletcher Moulton once had, in respect of circumstantial evidence, observed “proof does not mean rigid mathematical formula since, that is impossible.

Again Lord Justice Coleridge observed, the circumstantial evidence is like a grassamer thread, light and as unsubstantial as the air itself and may vanish with the merest of touches”. He had further observed that such evidence may be strong in parts but it may also leave great gaps and rents through which the accused may escape.”

(3) Rules of Circumstantial Evidence

(i) The facts alleged as the basis of any legal inference from circumstantial evidence must be clearly proved beyond any reasonable doubt. It if conviction rests solely on circumstantial evidence, it must create a network from which there is no escape for the accused. The facts evolving out of such circumstantial evidence must be such as not to admit of any inference except that of guilt of the accused; Raghav Prapanna Tripathi v. State of Uttar Pradesh, MANU/SC/0127/1962 : AIR 1963 SC 74: (1963) 1 Cr LJ 70: (1963) 3 SCR 239.

(ii) All the link in the chain of evidence must be proved beyond reasonable doubt and they exclude the evidence of guilt of any other person than the accused; State of Uttar Pradesh v. Ravindra Prakash Mittal, 1992 Cr LJ 3693: MANU/SC/0402/1992 : AIR 1992 SC 2045: 1992 AIR SCW 2417: 1992 (2) Cr CJ 85: 1992 (2) Crimes 664: 1992 (2) Cur Cr R 71: JT 1992 (3) SC 114: (1992) 3 SCC 300: 1992 (2) SCJ 549: (1992) 2 SCR 815: 1992 Scc (Cri) 642 (SC).

(iii) The inculpatory facts must be incompatible with the innocence of the accused and is incapable of explanation upon any other reasonable hypothesis except his guilt; Musheer Khan v. State of Madhya Pradesh, AIR 2010 SC 762.

Further it relates to various circumstances which are associated with the real point in issue in such a way to help the court in coming to a conclusion about the existence or non-existence of facts in issue. Thus, circumstantial evidence does not prove the point in question directly, but establishes it only by inference. Thus, if there is no eye-witness to a murder, the fact that A had the motive to murder B or A has been seen running away with a blood-stained knife from B’s room where B was found dead immediately after B’s cries were heard would be circumstantial evidence as against A. If the evidence relates to a relevant fact, it is indirect or circumstantial.

(iv) Proof of circumstantial evidence:—

Four things are essential to prove guilt by circumstantial evidence:

(a) that the circumstances from which guilt is established must be fully proved;

(b) that all the facts must be consistent with the hypothesis of guilt of accused;

(c) that the circumstances must be of conclusive nature and tendency;

(d) that the circumstances should, to a moral certainty, actually exclude every hypothesis except the one proposed to be proved; State of Uttar Pradesh v. Ravindra Prakash Mittal, 1992 Cr LJ 3693: MANU/SC/0402/1992 : AIR 1992 SC 2045: 1992 AIR SCW 2417: 1992 (2) Cr CJ 85: 1992 (2) Crimes 664: 1992 (2) Cur Cr R 71: JT 1992 (3) SC 114: (1992) 3 SCC 300: 1992 (2) SCJ 549: (1992) 2 SCR 815: 1992 Scc (Cri) 642.

(v) Value of Circumstantial Evidence:—

Ordinarily, circumstantial evidence cannot be regarded as satisfactory as direct evidence. The chain of circumstances may lead to particular inferences and the relation to true facts may be more apparent than real. Hence, such evidence must be used with caution. Where the circumstantial evidence only showed that the accused and deceased were seen together the previous night, it was held to be not sufficient; Prem Thakur v. State of Punjab, MANU/SC/0097/1982 : AIR 1983 SC 61: 1983 Cr LJ 155: 1983 UJ (SC) 3: (1982) 3 SCC 462: 1982 Cr LR (SC) 499: 1983 SCC (Cri) 88: (1983) 1 Crimes 141: 1983 (1) SCJ 221: (1983) 1 SCR 822.

(4) Real Evidence:

Real evidence means the evidence of which any object belonging to class of things is the source, persons also being included. Evidence supplied by observations of involuntary changes of countenance and department comes under the head of real evidence.1

In Laxman Naik v. State of Orissa, MANU/SC/0264/1995 : AIR 1995 SC 1387: 1995 Cr LJ 2692 (SC): 1995 AIR SCW 2057: 1994 (1) Crimes 806: JT 1994 (2) SC 39: (1994) 3 SCC 381: (1994) 2 SCR 94: 1994 Scc (Cri) 656: 1994 (1) UJ (SC) 645; the conviction and sentence of death sustained on the basis of circumstantial evidence showing an unbroken and complete chain of events leading to the rape and murder of a seven year old daughter of the brother of the accused.

(5) Expert Evidence:

The law of evidence is designed to ensure that, the Court, considers only that evidence which enables it to reach a reliable conclusion. The first and foremost requirement for an expert evidence to be admissible is that it is necessary to hear testimony of the expert evidence. The test is that the matter is outside the knowledge and experience of the lay person. Thus, there is a need to hear an expert opinion where there is a medical issue to be settled. The scientific question involved is assumed to be not within the Court’s knowledge. Thus cases where the science involved is highly specialised and perhaps even esoteric, the central role of expert cannot be disputed.

Rules of Expert Evidence

1. Expert must be within a recognized field of expertise.

2. The evidence must be based on reliable principles.

3. Expert must be qualified in that discipline; Ramesh Chandra Agrawal v. Regency Hospital Ltd., MANU/SC/1641/2009 : AIR 2010 SC 806 (See also Errors, Medicine and the Law by Alan Merry and Alexander McCall Smith, 2001 Edn., p. 178, published by Cambridge University Press, London.

It means as by models etc., see Best on Evidence 10th Edn., p. 2.

(6) Hearsay Evidence:

It may be called indirect, second-hand or derivative evidence. It is a statement made to the Court by a witness who has not seen the happening of the transaction or facts, but heard that something had happened. Thus, it means that which a witness does not say of his own knowledge but says that another has said or signified to him. The courts do not normally take such evidence much seriously.


1. Best on Evidence

The evidence of person who does not see the occurrence or accused persons, but learns from the eye-witnesses about such occurrence and sends information to the police station, his evidence about such information though is hearsay if corroborates with the substantive evidence of eye witnesses then, it is admissible; Muktiar Singh v. State of Punjab, MANU/SC/0047/2009 : AIR 2009 SC 1854: 2009 Cr LJ 1744: 2009 AIR SCW 1475: 2009 (64) All Cr C 694: 2009 (74) All Ind Cas 22: 2009 (1) Cal LJ 304: 2009 (1) Chand Cr C 286: 2009 (2) Cur Cr R 239: 2009 (2) Mad LJ (Cri) 956: (2009) 1 Scale 655.

(7) Primary Oral Evidence:

Primary Oral Evidence means that a statement made in a Court by a witness, who has personally seen or heard or gathered by his senses. It is called direct evidence as opposed to hearsay.1

In case of primary evidence, if the petitioner does not produce original copy then no primary evidence can be stipulated to prove the guilty of accused; All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam v. L.K. Tripathi, MANU/SC/0509/2009 : AIR 2009 SC 1314: 2009 AIR SCW 2424: 2009 (2) Cur Cr R 659: 2009 (5) Mad LJ 782: 2009 (2) Rec Cr R 658: MANU/SC/0509/2009 : (2009) 5 SCC 417: (2009) 4 Scale 547: 2009 (2) Scc (Cri) 673.

(8) Secondary Evidence: 

Secondary evidence means that which can be given in absence of the primary evidence. Where a copy of the document or recollection of the witness who has read the original document are tendered in evidence they will be called secondary evidence of the document.2

Where the original has been destroyed or lost, and when party has made diligent search for it and exhausted all sources and means available for its production then the secondary evidence is admissible; Sattamma v. Ch. Bhikshapati Goud, MANU/AP/0360/2010 : AIR 2010 AP 166.

(9) Oral Evidence: 

Oral evidence is the evidence, which is confined to words spoken by mouth or gestures. Oral evidence, when reliable, is sufficient without documentary evidence to prove a fact or title. Where a fact which can be proved by oral evidence, it is not necessary that the statement of the witness should be oral. Thus, a dumb person may be testified by signs or by writing. The facts, can also be proved by oral evidence.

“Oral evidence” includes not only the one adduced by examining the witnesses, on behalf of such party, but also the cross-examination of witness by the opposite party, in relation to it; Nandam Mohanamma v. Markonda Narasimha Rao, MANU/AP/0447/2005 : AIR 2006 AP 8: 2006 AIHC 662: 2006 (1) ALJ (NOC) 145: 2005 (5) Andh LD 296: 2006 (1) Rent LR 510.


1. Section 60 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

2. Section 65 of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

(10) Documentary Evidence: 

Documentary evidence deals with evidence produced in the form of a document in order to prove a disputed fact. The subject-matter of documentary evidence can be divided into three parts:

(i) how the contents of a document are to be proved

(ii) how the document is to be proved to be genuine

(iii) how far and in what cases the oral evidence is excluded by documentary evidence

The meaning of the document or of a particular part of it is to be sought for, in the document itself. That is undoubtedly, the primary rule of construction to which sections 90 to 94 of the Indian Evidence Act, give statutory recognition and effect with certain exceptions contained in sections 95 to 98 of this Act. Of course to “document” means the “document” read as a whole and not piecemeal; Delhi Development Authority v. Durga Chand Kaushish, MANU/SC/0329/1973 : AIR 1973 SC 2609: 1973 Ren CR 708: (1973) 2 SCC 825: (1973) 2 SCWR 642.

(11) Positive and Negative Evidence:

Positive evidence tends to prove the existence of a fact whereas by a negative evidence non-existence of a fact is proved. But it should be borne in mind that negative evidence is ordinarily no good evidence; Rahim Khan v. Khurshid Ahmed, MANU/SC/0274/1974 : AIR 1975 SC 290: (1975) 2 SCC 660: 1975 (2) SCJ 178.

(12) Substantive and Non-substantive Evidence:

Substantive evidence is that on which reliance can be placed for the decision of a case. Non-substantive evidence is that which either corroborates the substantive evidence to increase its credibility or which contradicts a substantive evidence to discredit it.

(13) Prima Facie and Conclusive Evidence: 

This decision is from the point of view of cogency and weight or effect of evidence. Prima facie evidence is that which is accepted as reliable one and as such establishes or proves a fact in the absence of contradictory evidence.

Conclusive Evidence is use of facts involving the application of a rule of law which is termed as conclusive presumption, e.g., copy of the Official Gazette containing an order adjudging a debtor as an insolvent is conclusive evidence of the order having been made and of its date. The expression conclusive proof in section 4 is used in the same sense; Somawanti v. State of Punjab, AIR 1963 SC 151: (1963) 1 SCA 548: 1963 (2) SCJ 85: (1963) 2 Mad LJ (SC) 18: (1963) 2 Andh WR (SC) 18: (1963) 33 Comp Cas 745: (1963) 2 SCR 774.

Medical evidence pointing to alternative possible is not accepted as conclusive evidence; Chhotanney v. State of Uttar Pradesh, MANU/SC/0246/2009 : AIR 2009 SC 2013: 2009 AIR SCW 1680: 2009 (3) ALJ 106: 2009 (64) All Cr C 920: 2009 (75) All Ind Cas 58: 2009 (2) Crimes 139: 2009 (43) OCR 54: (2009) 3 Scale 171.

When one fact is declared by Evidence Act, to be conclusive proof another, the Court, on proof of one fact, regard the other as proved and does not allow evidence to be given for the purpose of disproving it; Kamti Devi v. Poshi Ram, MANU/SC/0335/2001 : (2001) 5 SCC 311: AIR 2001 SC 2226: 2001 AIR SCW 2100: 2001 (3) Civ LJ 523: JT 2001 (1) SC (Supp) 87: 2001 (4) SCJ 147: 2001 (6) SRJ 345: (2001) 4 Scale 195: 2001 Scc (Cri) 892: 2001 (4) Supreme 78.

(14) Pre-appointed and Casual Evidence: 

Pre-appointed or Pre-constituted evidence is that which is procured in anticipation of its use. It may be voluntary or prescribed by law. The absence of pre-appointed evidence would effect its cogency. On the other hand, casual evidence is an evidence which is not pre-appointed.

(15) Scientific Evidence:

The case of Daubart v. Merryll Dow Pharmaceutical Inc., 113 Sct 2786 (1993) formulated the conditions for admissibility of scientific evidence. viz:

1. Whether the principles or techniques has been or can be reliably tested?

2. Whether it has been subject to peer review or publication.

3. It’s known or potential rate of error.

4. Whether there are recognized standards that control the procedure of implementation of the technique?

5. Whether it is generally accepted by the community?

6. Whether the technique has been introduced or conducted independently of the Litigation?

The Supreme Court in Ranjitsing Brahmajeetsingh Sharma v. State of Maharashtra, MANU/SC/0268/2005 : AIR 2005 SC 2277: 2005 Cr LJ 2533: 2005 AIR SCW 2215: 2005 (2) Crimes 168: 2005 (2) Cur Cri R 92: JT 2005 (4) SC 123: (2005) 5 SCC 294: 2005 (3) SCJ 697: 2005 (3) SLT 545: (2005) 3 Scale 774: 2005 Scc (Cri) 1057: 2005 (3) Supreme 679, observed that the admissibility of a scientific test would depend upon its authenticity. Whether the brain mapping test is so developed that the report would have a probative value so as to enable a Court to place reliance thereupon, is a matter which would require further consideration, if and when the materials in support thereof are placed before the Court.

(16) Digital Evidence: 

In case of Commissioner of Customs, New Delhi v. M/s C-Net Communication India Pvt. Ltd., AIR 2007 SC (Supp) 957, the Supreme Court held that “digital electronics” would mean that a decoder is a multiple input, multiple out-put and logic circuit that converts coded inputs into coded out-puts.

Further it was held that “a decoder” is a device which does the reverse of an encoder, undoing the encoding to that the original information can be retrieved.

In case of State of Maharashtra v. Som Nath Thapa, MANU/SC/0451/1996 : AIR 1996 SC 1744: 1996 Cr LJ 2448: 1996 AIR SCW 1977: 1996 (2) Crimes 64: JT 1996 (4) SC 615: (1996) 4 SCC 659: 1996 Scc (Cri) 820, Advocate of accused Mr. Shri Shirodhkar submitted that the investigating agency wanted to rope Thapa any how which was apparent from the fact that it took recourse to even manufacturing of evidence as telephone number of Dawood Ibrahim was fed in the Digital Diary found at the residence of appellant on search being made.

From such contentions Supreme Court observed that investigation at times is either sluggish or over-zealous and it might over short also.

Besides, the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) in 1996 included electronic record as to be accepted as evidence.

The Information Technology Act, 2000 which is based on the foot steps of UNCITRAL introduced electronic record as evidence. Likewise Indian Evidence Act, 1872, Banker’s Books Evidence Act, 1891, Indian Penal Code and RBI Act, 1934 were amended to cope with the system and admissibility of digital evidence.

(17) Electronic Evidence: 

The evidence can also be in the form of electronic record produced in court. The evidence, even in criminal matters, can also be, by way of electronic records. This would include video-conferencing; State of Maharashtra v. Praful B. Desai, MANU/SC/0268/2003 : AIR 2003 SC 2053: 2003 Cr LJ 2033: 2003 AIR SCW 1885: 2003 (2) Crimes 237: JT 2003 (3) SC 382: (2003) 4 SCC 601: (2003) 3 SCR 244: 2003 (2) SLT 824: (2003) 3 Scale 554: 2003 Scc (Cri) 815: 2003 (3) Supreme 19: 2003 (2) UJ (SC) 769; Jagjit Singh v. State of Haryana, AIR 2007 SC 590: 2007 AIR SCW 158: 2007 (5) All MR 16 (NOC): MANU/SC/5473/2006 : (2006) 11 SCC 1: (2006) 13 Scale 335.

(18) Tape Record Evidence: V.V Giri Case:

The tape itself is a primary and direct evidence, admissible as to what has been said and picked up by the recorder. A previous statement, made by a witness and recorded on tape can be used not only to corroborate the evidence given by the witness in Court but also to contradict, the evidence given before the court, as well as to test the veracity of the witness and also to impeach his impartiality; N. Sri Rama Reddy v. V.V. Giri, MANU/SC/0333/1970 : AIR 1971 SC 1162: 1970 Ker LT 390: 1970 SCD 646: 1970 UJ (SC) 604: (1971) 1 SCA 394: 1971 (1) SCJ 483: (1971) 1 SCR 399; All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam v. L.K. Tripathi, MANU/SC/0509/2009 : AIR 2009 SC 1314: 2009 AIR SCW 2424: 2009 (2) Cur Cr R 659: 2009 (5) Mad LJ 782: 2009 (2) Rec Cr R 658: MANU/SC/0509/2009 : (2009) 5 SCC 417: (2009) 4 Scale 547: 2009 (2) Scc (Cri) 673

Tapes are more susceptible to tampering. The standard of proof about its authenticity has to be more stringent as compared to other documentary evidence; Tukaram S. Dighole v. Manikrao Shivaji Kokate, MANU/SC/0086/2010 : AIR 2010 SC 965.

(19) Evidence of Dog: 

The tracker dog evidence is not likened to the type of evidence accepted from scientific experts describing chemical reactions, blood tests and the actions of bacilli, because the behaviour of chemicals, blood corpuscles and bacilli contains no element of conscious violation or deliberate choice. Dogs are intelligent animals with many thought processes similar to thought processes of human beings and wherever there are thought processes there is always the risk to error, deception and even self-deception. In the present state of scientific knowledge evidence of dog tracking, even if admissible, is not ordinarily of much weight1; Abdul Razak Murtaza Dafadar v. State of Maharashtra, AIR 1970 SC 283: 1969 (2) SCJ 870: 1969 Mad LJ (Cri) 862: 1970 Cr LJ 373: (1970) 1 SCA 535: (1970) 1 SCR 551: 1970 MPLJ 932: 1970 Mah LJ 747; See also American Juris, Vol. 29, 2nd Edn., para 378.

(20) Outer Evidence: 

It is a peculiar type of evidence which is necessary to establish that a particular acquisition is not for public purpose and for providing the value of property and other matters that may be involved in a particular principle adopted for a particular offence or purpose.


1. American Juris, 2nd Edn., Vol. 29, p. 429, para 378

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